Saturday, March 19, 2011

A beginning is only the start of a journey to another beginning.

This is the start to something I've been thinking about doing for some time. I used to keep a blog when I was in Peace Corps and really enjoyed it, plus some people actually read it, so I'm starting a new one. The big difference is this time, you all can see me anytime you want, so I'll have to keep this interesting enough to hold your attention. A weighty task, I know, but here I go!
St. Patrick's Day was this past Thursday and in keeping with the tradition that I started last year, I made an Irish dish. Last year I made Shepherd's Pie, which turned out "eh" but this year, I think I hit it out of the park.
I found an awesome Irish Stew recipe (thanks Bobby Flay,) and Andriy and I ate a super hearty meal! I'll post the link to the recipe here: Roasted Root Vegetable Irish Stew. We subbed ground beef for lamb and a sweet potato for parsnips (didnt have any) and it was amaaaaazing. Try it.
Check out the band Spoon if you haven't already. My favorite song this week: ""Don't You Evah". Makes me want to get down with the gettin' down. Spoon's a great indie rock band that's been around forever (well, since the 90's) and I bet you've heard them but didn't even know it.
MAN I'M SO READY FOR TAX SEASON TO END SO WE CAN FREAKIN' GO SOMEWHERE. (Jeremy & Lara, I understand now.) Andriy and I wanna go camping soooo badly. This year, we'd like to camp in Giant City State Park. We meant to go last year, but never did. I think it could be an epic camping trip.
And, baseball season's getting started. We've got a free hotel room in St. Louis to use and $100 to burn (thanks Production Press) so we're going to combine it with a Cardinal's game and make it a fantastic weekend. They're playing Cincinnati on the weekend of the 22nd, so maybe we'll go to the Friday night game. Anyone else planning on going?
Everyone, enjoy the start of spring!


  1. I love Spoon! "Written in Reverse" is what I'm jonsing on now. Ash & I were talking on the way home last night about what to do about CampFest '11... Giant City is a great possibility! Also, I'm not sure parsnips are real. I've never seen them.

  2. I vote yes for CampFest '11 at Giant City!
