Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A white cat in blue jeans.

I can tell there's a storm coming today, or at least there's the chance of one, because I slept like crap last night. I don't know if it's the change in pressure or what, but I wake up a lot if there's strong weather on the way. Now, if it's already raining, forget about it. I'll sleep like a rock.
And I had a craaazy dream. About weather. My family was vacationing in a little house in the mountains in Colorado and there was a big storm with a tornado watch. The storm was headed our way so we decide to leave this crappy little house we're staying in after deciding it was unsafe so we hop in our AIRPLANE (which is much safer?) We're driving/flying through the town we're in and everyone's outside just doing normal things because no one in the mountains apparently knows what to do during a tornado watch. Again, we're in an airplane. So we stop and for some reason we're at Uncle Bill and Aunt Sherrie's new house in the mountains, which is huge, and therefore a safer place to take refuge during the storm. For some reason they have 8 white cats, but one of them has blue legs, so it looks like he's wearing jeans. Pretty sure Sherrie would never let 8 cats live in her house.
So we're in there and the house is kind of confusing so I lost the rest of my family and then i ran into this old guy at the bar in the basement who decides to show me all of these pictures from when he was a young musician. I'm trying to get away from him because I want to find my family and see what's going on with the storm, but he just keeps talking, then my sisters show up. Then I must have woken up because i don't remember what happens next.
There: interpret that. The only thing that makes sense to me is the old guy with the pictures because that happens to us ALL THE TIME at work. I don't know about the rest.
Hey, someone who lives in Jacksonville just left town for a big tour. His name is William Fitzsimmons. You should definitely check him out if he's going to be near you. The man's got a beautiful voice and he's uber talented. Plus, he's a super nice guy. Check him out at http://www.williamfitzsimmons.com/.
A band called Slow Runner from South Carolina is touring with him. I helped them ship a bunch of stuff yesterday. They also seem like nice guys with great facial hair. I listened to a couple of their songs of yesterday after helping Michael (who sings for the band, i just learned that from their website http://www.slowrunnermusic.com/) and they are definitely a band I will listen to from now on. Looking at their discography, I realize now that i should have opened one of the boxes that i shipped that said "Shiv" or "Mermaids" and nabbed a cd. Just kidding, i would never do that. Honestly.
Anyway, they will be playing in St. Louis in May, and otherwise at a venue near you, so go see Billy Fitz and Slow Runner.

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