Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's like finding money in old jeans

Let's talk a minute about forgotten treasures. This may be something that you really loved once and then lost touch with or simply misplaced or moved on from. Or perhaps a thing that's always been around, but you just found a new appreciation for. Is there anything sweeter than finding out that you really love something again?
I'm rediscovering some things recently. Music, of course...always music. I have cd's stashed away that I haven't listened to in years. Albums that I had love affairs with once, never took them out of my car, desperately buffed cracks out of the cd's them to keep them playing: Kid A - Radiohead. Orange Rhyming Dictionary - Jets to Brazil. Either/Or - Elliott Smith. I have this big old cd case that I occassionally flip through to see what I've forgotten. It's refreshing. Also, aside from rediscovering, making new musical discoveries is one of the few things that makes me feel like I'm doing anything worthwhile. hmm.
The library...I think I never really stopped loving the library, I just don't think about it sometimes. And then when I remember it's there, it's like finding presents under the tree. Is there anything better than the cool quiet rooms full of free books? Seriously, if you don't go to the library, you are missing out. If it's because you don't like to read, then I just feel sorry for you. But if you are a reader, you have no excuse. Go get a library card and take advantage of that, man! Speaking of that...I just finished The Hunger Games series (thanks Lara) and I need to move on to something new. I'm taking suggestions.
Then, there are my friends. Honestly, they are always around and I have no excuse to not see them. It seems like I was getting in a lull where I spent very little time with these great people. I think in getting older, I just get lazier about trying to touch base with people. I'm comfortable at home with Andriy.
But, I told myself this new year that I was going to see more of everyone else. I'm doing a pretty good job sticking to that - we've met up a few times and I've rediscovered this amazing thing: there are like, 20 of us that still love to get together. To have such smart, funny, passionate friends as these that have had such great history together makes me feel so lucky.

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