Sunday, March 29, 2015

go listen and play outside

So, I've been working on this Spotify playlist for some time. It's called "Summertime Playlist" and it's full of fun, upbeat songs that I want to hear when I'm enjoying a nice day outside. I've been editing this playlist for a couple of years now. It started with a classic rock base, because once the weather is nice enough for me to roll down my windows in the car, that's what I turn to. But, I keep my ears open all the time, and when I hear a song that I think makes the cut, I make a note of it on my phone and I test it out later in my playlist.
At this point, I have 147 songs in my playlist, and right now that's 9 hours, 13 minutes worth of music. I'm constantly adding or removing songs, based on what I think is appropriate. I'm trying to grab as much music as possible from as many genres and decades as possible, so please make suggestions for what you think should be on my summertime playlist. And if you're on Spotify, go follow this playlist of mine (it's public,) give it a listen and let me know if you have any suggestions. I would love to collaborate with anyone else that might enjoy this playlist too! Click here - Summertime Playlist - if you want to help me perfect it. FYI, you need to have a Spotify account to listen to it, but it is totally free and totally worth it. I love listening to music on Spotify!

Moving on, I've got some spring tasks that I've set for myself. One is a flower garden for my front yard. My front yard is boring, apart from the rose bush growing (out of control) and our Ukrainian flag blowing in the wind. So, it's time to make it prettier. I love getting my hands dirty and it's such a satisfying ongoing project, keeping up a garden. So, I'm on it. Right now, it's just sketches on paper and an outline in the yard. I'll post photos as it develops.
We're planning a nice trip for spring. We'll be exploring New England again, just Andriy & I, and we're heading all the way out to northeast Maine, up to Acadia National Park. I'm psyched to go that far east and to explore somewhere I've never been. We'll be doing a lot of hiking, eating a lot of shellfish, and enjoying some nice coastal views. CAN'T WAIT.
Then, we're spending some more time in Vermont, which we are still examining as our possible future home. This will be an exploratory visit to Vermont, checking out what kind of jobs and homes are available out there and what kind of $$$ it might take to move. It's exciting, and terrifying at the same time, to think about moving somewhere completely new on a permanent basis. This is coming from the girl that packed up and moved to Ukraine for 2 years, I know, but I knew that would be a temporary thing with Peace Corps and I didn't have a mortgage to worry about then. I'm sure Andriy understands this feeling better, but even he had a home base to start at here in Jacksonville when he moved from Ukraine. It would really be helpful if one of us were to find a good job in Vermont, but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe some day, we'll just decide to DO IT and see what happens. If anyone has connections in Vermont, holler at me! I'm serious!

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