Saturday, September 17, 2011

Celebrating 29 years and 363 days...tonight

I am getting ready to go out and celebrate my 30th birthday tonight...a couple of days early. I don't expect to remember everything from tonight, but i do expect to have a great time, so i hope i'm not disappointed.
I've taken quite a long break from blogging...I wasn't feeling creative or inspired enough to write anything that anyone would want to read. But now I've decided that I started this thing and i am going to continue it, whether the 2 people that follow this thing continue to read it or not.
I don't have much to say today. Only that I'm almost 30 and I feel pretty good at this milestone. I may not be exactly where I want to be, career wise. Perhaps I'm not living in the "ideal town" for me. But, I'm married to an amazing guy and I have fantastic friends and family. And the future looks good!

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