Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't beat yourself up

I've been thinking a lot about goals recently, and not the sports kind.
I'm at a weird point in my life where I am working on a few goals for myself, and I don't feel like I'm getting very far with them.
First off, I started a new job about 2 months ago. I'm a buyer at Passavant Area Hospital. I really like the job, it's a great move for me and the work is very rewarding and I know that what I do actually makes a difference. I left Production Xpress, which I had been wanting to do for some time. So, I did meet that big goal and felt very happy about it. I'm going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn here, but they really like me at my new job. My boss regularly tells me what an amazing job I'm doing and how happy she is they have me.
But, at this new job, I sit at a computer all day. At Xpress, I walked around a lot. I was almost always moving. But here, my job is to order supplies at the hospital, and it is quite demanding, so I don't have a lot of time to walk around and move like I used to.
So, I've gained about 5 lbs since I've been there. Which isn't a huge amount, but it's just been two months and I don't want to gain any more. I'd like to get back down to my normal weight, which is what I was holding steady at for almost all of my adult life. This might not seem like a big deal, but I have literally weighed the same since I was in high school, give or take a couple pounds.
I've been working out, as I was before. I run 3 times a week, usually for 1/2 hour. And I do yoga about 3 times a week. So i feel pretty good. But still, those extra 5 lbs annoy me. I'm sure it's vanity, or that weird mental thing that society puts in us to always look a certain way. But also, I want to be healthy. And for my smallish frame, an extra 5 lbs makes a difference.
I don't feel great about my progress with this goal to lose this weight at this point. The problem is, the weekends are perfect for drinking and eating. And I don't really want to change that too much. But, I think I will have to just be more aware of the food & drink I put in my body and make sure I'm not an idiot when it comes to what I consume. I hate to put restrictions on myself when it comes to drink and especially food, but at my age, I kind of have to. *sigh*

Also, I had a goal to write more. In my head, I was thinking I would write a little every day. That hasn't happened. I don't think it's very realistic, with the way my day is structured right now. So I've decided that I'm still going to write more, just not every day.

So, these self-created goals, the thing they have in common is they won't really harm or benefit anyone other than myself. So I only have myself to answer to if I fail or succeed.
And what I need to do, is not worry about it. I need to take it easy on myself...of course it's good to make goals and stick with them, but it isn't healthy to get upset with myself if I don't totally succeed the way I think I should.

The only thing I can do is make the most of my time and effort right now, and if i feel the need to work my ass off, I will. And that will probably be satisfying.
But if I feel the need to treat myself, that will be pretty great too.

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