Friday, May 5, 2017

The butt scope had been disinfected.

It's such a perfect day outside. It's sunny, like 65 degrees, plus it isn't raining, which is a nice change.

Ok, if I write about the weather, truly nobody will want to read these things. 

But I had to comment, as I feel like we have had shit weather for a week straight.
Although, I do love a good rainy day, as many do. There's a comfortable melancholy to it. I've heard people say that it's because you have a good excuse to sit inside and do nothing. There's something to that, for sure. But I think there's more to it.
I think part of it is we feel like we should be striving to be happy all the time. I think this is a really American thing....maybe I'm wrong? Anyone from another country *ahem Andriy*, chime in here. And if you're not happy, people generally don't want to hear about it. But being not happy is totally normal.

Being inside on a good rainy day is like the feeling of listening to a sad song. Sometimes it feels really good. Like, I used to LOVE Elliott Smith. I mean, I still love him. But I don't really listen to him much anymore. When I was younger, I used to embrace sad music so much more than I do now. Why is that? Maybe it's because I was an emotional young adult, going through all kinds of relationship ups and downs and general hormonal wackiness. 
And now, as far as emotions and relationships go, I'm pretty stable. Sometimes I feel like that's boring...but usually, I love it and I strive for that comfortable feeling of stability most of the time now. I love the feeling of a routine and ritual. Do all people go through this at this age?

I do still feel that thrill, though, at doing something out of my routine or something kind of "risky." I'm not sure that feeling will ever really leave me. It reminds me that there is more out there than what I know. That's a really good feeling.
It's kind of the same feeling for me now that I get when I learn something really new. Like there is a new door that's opening that I feel like I can walk through.

Take my new job: in March I took a job at Passavant Area Hospital. I'm a buyer, which means I purchase items the hospital needs, everything from toilet paper to bone saws. And, as someone who is brand new to the healthcare industry, I find it SO INTERESTING. I get to learn something brand new almost every day. 
My vocabulary is expanding, as I encounter words used only in the healthcare industry. 
Did you know there are different types of spinal needles? Quincke, Tuohy, Whitacre...and I think there are even more that I haven't encountered yet.
The other day, someone dropped a scope on my desk that needed to be returned to the vendor. A member of the OR staff walked into my office to ask me a question, and as she left, she said "did you know that's been in somebody's butt?" I did not. 
But that's cool.


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