Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm on a bloodbuzz, yes I am.

Sorry I've been so quiet recently, to those who check this blog. Work's been beyond busy, plus i'm making preparations for our vacation which starts next week to Florida. We're finally going to visit my aunt and uncle, who we've been promising to visit since we first got back from Ukraine. It's going to be great to get away and spend time with some awesome people. So, for the next few days I'll just be daydreaming of the beach and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter - I'll let you know how butterbeer tastes when i get back.

Andriy and I went to the Arcade Fire/National concert a few weeks ago in St. Louis. I should have written about it right after the show, while it was fresh in my mind. We drove to the show: Mandi ecstatic, Andriy slightly apathetic. I'm really the Arcade Fire fan of the two of us. Andriy was just coming along to keep me company. He knew a couple of their songs and kind of liked them, but he's not the big concert goer like i am (or used to be, anyway.)
The National played first. Our seats (weird not being on the floor in front of the stage, trying to squeeze my way to the front btw) were about 100 meters from the stage and slightly to the left (stage left). Okay, this is going to make me sound old: I wished I was down on the floor, dancing my heart out and closer to the band, but it was kind of nice to be able to sit down for a second. There: I said it.
But really, the sound was great for this being in an arena. Scott Trade Center isn't too huge though and the acoustics weren't bad. The National was very good. If you've heard them, you know the singer has a very deep voice, a beautifully mournful sounding baritone. Play me just about any of their music, and i imagine myself driving through the lonely desert at sundown.
Anyway, he drank red wine through their whole set, and in the end, he took a stroll out into the crowd and up into the seats, singing the whole time, with members of the crowd holding his microphone cord up high and off the floor the whole time, so it wouldn't get caught. Kind of cool. I'm wondering if he just needed to use the bathroom after all the wine and took the long way to get there, through the crowd.
Arcade Fire came on after a short break and they had an amaaaaaazing set, just as i expected. Even at the distance we were from the stage, we had plenty to see. They had what looked like an old fashioned marquee, hanging above the stage, with two screens that met in the center at an angle. Also, there was a small screen above and behind the band as well. Througout their set, they played interesting footage of old looking footage from some suburbs (The Suburbs is the name of the latest album) and other totally random and strange stuff like creepy synchronized swimmers, and footage of people driving from the 50's and circus performers.
As i expected, the band switched instruments throughout the show. What a talented group of people. I heard lots of songs from Funeral, which was the album I fell in love with back in 2005, a few from Neon Bible and a lot from the Suburbs. I can never help but dance along with Regine. My calves were sore the next day from bouncing around. Andriy joined in...he totally enjoyed himself and i think has the same appreciation for the band after i saw them for the first time.
Thankfully, we were both extremely glad we went and i'll be looking for them to come around again, so i can get smooshed in the crowd in front of the stage and dance my heart out.
Here's a little National to take you home, through the lonely desert. Watch out for armadillos.

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